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This is the basic tutorial which will help you to understand the basic bounce animation in the android studio. This tutorial is written into Android studio
with java.
I hope you are on screen and you have already created a view or button which you want to animate on click or on view create. So let’s have look on some coding part so that you can easily achieve your task. In this tutorial, I am considering a button to animate. So define your button in your XML
file like that. And in XML
you do not need to apply any extra effort.
<Button android:id="@+id/button" android:layout_width="92dp" android:layout_height="92dp" android:background="#FFA400" android:onclick="didTapButton" app:layout_constraintbottom_tobottomof="parent" app:layout_constraintleft_toleftof="parent" app:layout_constraintright_torightof="parent" app:layout_constrainttop_totopof="parent" />
Now this time you need to create a xml file into your anim
folder which is exist into layout. If anim
folder is not exist then create new Directory into your layout with name anim
Now create a new XML
file in anim
folder with name bounce
(You can take anything). Your bounce.xml
file will contain the following scaling code!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"> <scale android:duration="2000" android:fromXScale="0.3" android:fromYScale="0.3" android:pivotX="50%" android:pivotY="50%" android:toXScale="1.0" android:toYScale="1.0" /> </set>
Now finally you need to interpolator
the bounce effect for the button! For achiving this task you need to create on new java class
in your project, Let say the name of class is MyBounceInterpolator
. Finally your MyBounceInterpolator
class will contain the following code.
public class MyBounceInterpolator implements android.view.animation.Interpolator { private double mAmplitude = 1; private double mFrequency = 10; public MyBounceInterpolator(double amplitude, double frequency) { mAmplitude = amplitude; mFrequency = frequency; } public float getInterpolation(float time) { return (float) (-1 * Math.pow(Math.E, -time / mAmplitude) * Math.cos(mFrequency * time) + 1); } }
Now I hope you have done with all above steps. Now you need to write the code for onclick
event of your button!
Button btnMenu = findViewById(R.id.btnMenu); btnMenu.setOnClickListener(v -> { final Animation myAnim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.bounce); MyBounceInterpolator interpolator = new MyBounceInterpolator(0.1, 20); myAnim.setInterpolator(interpolator); v.startAnimation(myAnim); });
Here you can listener to you animation like….
myAnim.setAnimationListener(new Animation.AnimationListener() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) { } @Override public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) { } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { //your action } });
Now Run
your project and see the output
. After doing this I am sure you will feel happy!
Now let’s have look into deep of bounce animation! how it works and what we have done!.
We initialized the MyBounceInterpolator
object with two arguments.
MyBounceInterpolator interpolator = new MyBounceInterpolator(0.2,20);
is the bounce amplitude. The higher value produces more pronounced bounces.20
is the frequency of the bounces. The higher value creates more wobbles during the animation time period.In order to achieve the bounce effect the getInterpolation
method maps the time using the following function:
In this equation, a and w are the amplitude and frequency values and t is the time. The equation contains a cosine function
that causes the periodic wobbles during the animation
. In order to reduce its amplitude with time we multiply the cosine
by an exponential function.
Good Luck 🙂 Happy Coding
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