Tag: Rotate AvPlayer

Tag: Rotate AvPlayer

Rotate AVPlayer to Full Screen in Swift iOS
Image July 16, 2023 Development,iOS Development Pushpendra Kumar

By enabling the ability to rotate AVPlayer to full screen, you empower users to customize their viewing experience, whether they prefer landscape or portrait orientation. This feature enhances user satisfaction and ensures a more immersive video playback experience. In today’s fast-paced digital world, providing a seamless and immersive video playback experience is crucial for app

Rotate Video Player in iOS Swift like Netflix, Prime, and Hotstar
Image July 1, 2023 Development,iOS Development Pushpendra Kumar

Welcome to Part 2 of our blog series on building a custom video player in iOS using Swift. In this part, we will focus on Rotate Video Player in iOS Swift like Netflix, Prime, and Hotstar. Why Device Rotation Control Matters for a Rotating Video Player : Rotate Video Player in iOS When users watch
