Install SFS2x on Ubuntu Server

Install SFS2x on Ubuntu Server
March 22, 2021 No Comments Development Pushpendra Kumar

Hey Guys, Here I am explaining you the basic procedure for install SFS2x on Ubuntu server. The procedure is pretty simple. As you know the SmartFox2x server accept the Java programming language. So I will proceed only with that. For your kind information I would like to let you know that. We do not required any coding for that. Just follow the following basic steps and get it installed in ubuntu.

Install SFS2x on Ubuntu Server

Please follow the following steps as mention below. Download the Linux .tar.gz distribution and, open a terminal window and follow these steps:

  1. Download the SmartFox2x server from the
  2. Upload the SFS2X_unix_2_17_0 on your server under /home folder.
  3. Now connect with the server through putty(Windows) or terminal(Mac).
  4. Run – cd /home
  5. Run tar xf SFS2X_unix_2_12_0.tar.gz

As you can watch into the following screenshot. In same way you need to put the comments.

Install SFS2x on Ubuntu Server

You have done with the procedure, Now the finally you have to start the service with the following commands.

Run cd /home/SmartFoxServer_2X/SFS2X/

You can run SFS2X as a service using the sfs2x-service script. It provides the following switches:

  • start (start the server)
  • stop (stop the server)
  • status (show the current status)
  • restart (restart the server)

In order to start SmartFoxServer, move to the installation folder and start the server with: ./sfs2x-service start
For example:

$ cd /home/fozzie/SmartFoxServer_2X/SFS2X/
$ ./sfs2x-service start

In alternative you can execute the sfs2x script to run the server in standalone mode and see the logs directly in the terminal (useful for development). For example:

$ cd /home/fozzie/SmartFoxServer_2X/SFS2X/
$ ./

Congratulation you have completed the installation of SFS2x on Ubuntu Server. Now you can move for the further task. 

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About The Author
Pushpendra Kumar I am passionate about mobile application development and professional developer at Colour Moon Technologies Pvt Ltd ( This website I have made so that I can meet with new challenges and can share here.

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