Tag: Pushpendra Saini

Tag: Pushpendra Saini

Control Flow in iOS with Swift 5 – For & while loop
Image July 14, 2020 Development,iOS Development Pushpendra Kumar

Hey, Guys welcome to this tutorial. In this complete video, I will make you understand the quick trick for how to Control Flow in iOS with Swift 5. And this is a simple way to achieve our goals. Through this simple video tutorial, you can learn more interesting things about the Control Flow in iOS

Animate UITabBarView item icon in iOS with swift 5
Image July 14, 2020 Development,iOS Development Pushpendra Kumar

Hey, Guys welcome to this tutorial. In this complete video, I will make you understand the quick trick. And trick stated as How to Animate UITabBarView item icon in iOS with swift 5. And this is a simple way to achieve our goals. Through this simple video tutorial, you can learn more interesting things about

Optional protocol in swift 5 programming language
Image July 13, 2020 Development,iOS Development Pushpendra Kumar

Hey, Guys welcome to this tutorial. In this complete video, I will make you understand the quick trick for Optional protocol in Swift 5 programming language. And this is a simple way to achieve our goals. Through this simple video tutorial, you can learn more interesting things about the Optional protocol in a swift 5

Restrict Google API Keys
Image July 12, 2020 Development,Research And News Pushpendra Kumar

Hey, Guys welcome to this tutorial. In this complete video, I will make you understand the quick trick for restriction of the Google API keys. And this is a simple way to achieve our goals. And moreover, you can restrict the Google API Keys on the basis of your requirement. Through this simple video tutorial,

Realm library in iOS with Swift 5 – PART II
Image July 8, 2020 Development,iOS Development Pushpendra Kumar

Hey, Guys welcome to this tutorial. In this complete video. I will make you understand the quick trick for migration, deletion, and updating the data in the Realm Library. So basically here you are going to learn 3 basic and simple things about the realm library. Which are names as Migration, Deletion, and Updation. And

Realm library in iOS with swift 5 – PART I
Image July 4, 2020 Development,iOS Development Pushpendra Kumar

Hey, Guys welcome to this tutorial. In this complete video, I will make you understand about the quick trick. Ans the trick is how you Realm library in iOS with Swift 5. And this is a simple way to achieve our goals. By this small trick, you can make your iOS application more attractive and

Overlay ViewController in iOS with Swift 5
Image July 1, 2020 Development,iOS Development Pushpendra Kumar

Hey, Guys welcome to this tutorial. In this complete video, I will make you understand about the quick trick that how you can Overlay ViewController. And this is a simple way to achieve our goals. By this small trick, you can make your iOS application more attractive and more function-able with the help of Overlay

UINavigationBar: Change the color & font in swift 5
Image May 23, 2020 Development,iOS Development Pushpendra Kumar

Hey Guys, In this tutorial you will learn a very important trick. Here I will tell you how you can Customize UINavigationBar in Swift 5 programming language. The two main important topics you will understand into the complete entire tutorial. The first topic is how you can change the navigation bar color and text color.

Open View Controller on button click in iOS with Swift 5
Image May 23, 2020 Development,iOS Development Pushpendra Kumar

This tutorial, is about Open new View Controller on button click in ios with Swift 5. This is the basic example of a beginner or for those who are looking for this topic. With the help of this tutorial you can easily understand the complete flow. And you can easily understand that, how you can
