What is new in xcode 8.3.3

What is new in xcode 8.3.3
June 13, 2017 No Comments iOS Development Pushpendra Kumar

Xcode is an integrated development environment for macOS containing a suite of software development tools developed by Apple for developing software for macOS, iOS, watchOS and tvOS. First released in 2003, the latest stable release is version 8 and is available via the Mac App Store free of charge for macOS Sierra users. Registered developers can download preview releases and prior versions of the suite through the Apple Developer website. However, Apple recently made a beta version of version 8.0 of the software available to those of the public with Apple Developer accounts.



What’s New In This Version :

  1. -Xcode 8.3.3 includes Swift 3.1 and SDKs for iOS 10.3, watchOS 3.2, tvOS 10.2, and macOS Sierra 10.12
  2. -Xcode 8.3.3 adds Interface Builder support for iPad Pro (10.5-inch)
  3. -Xcode 8.3 no longer supports Swift 2.3. You can migrate your projects containing Swift 2.3 code to Swift 3 syntax by opening the project and choosing Edit > Convert > To Current Swift Syntax.
  4. The Automation instrument has been removed from Instruments. You need to use Xcode’s UI Testing in its place.
  5. The -exportFormat parameter of the -exportArchive option for xcodebuild has been removed. To set the export format, use the -exportOptionsPlist parameter to specify an export plist file with the method key set to the desired format. For more information on the keys and values for the export plist, run xcodebuild -help on the command line.

Build System :

  1. The Mac will no longer sleep when a build is in progress.
  2. Scheme pre-action and post-action scripts now set the environment variable TARGET_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER to the UDID of the selected run destination device.
  3. Xcode no longer crashes when the build system copies a file with an invalid code signature.
  4. xcodebuild no longer hangs when invoked with a project or workspace containing no schemes.

Core Data : 

  1. When manually generating code for Core Data entities, generated Objective-C code properly uses ClassName+CoreDataClass.h rather than just ClassName.h in #import directives.
  2. Passing -showBuildSettings to xcodebuild for a project containing a Core Data model should no longer result in xcodebuild hanging.


  1. The FileMerge application now uses the same text infrastructure as Xcode. File navigation and syntax coloring are more consistent with Xcode.
About The Author
Pushpendra Kumar I am passionate about mobile application development and professional developer at Colour Moon Technologies Pvt Ltd (www.thecolourmoon.com). This website I have made so that I can meet with new challenges and can share here.

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